Hey It’s a New Dawn

MDR Sunrise Photo by Willi BrownHowdy! This is Willi Brown checking back in with the world wide webs. It’s a wonder that this kooky experiment in technical connectedness has survived despite the best efforts of the Soviets and the Chinese and the NSA to wreck it for everyone else! I know that I’m probably going to take a lot of flak for that comment… but it’s all fun and games until somebody gets hurt.

Anyway, just kicking down a road again…

Bandcamp Hoh!

ScenicRoute_CD_Cover_Redux_700x700My record, “Scenic Route”, is now available as my first offering on Bandcamp! Still sounding fresh and funky and like I might’ve once been a few kinds of drugstore cowboy, this collection of a dozen SONGS is sure to please your inner hustler!

Sporting a new cover image – includes lyrics and a little snarky note about each track. Scenic Route Hoh!

big bang

OM – the ancient howl
thunder beat – heat
clang and dumb, the time sound
hot persistent beneath
the tiny murmurs of secret heads
shuffling past with small concern
of the immediate preceding
yes, the little now
so stack them up
yes, pause and rise up
and consider all this
smallness multiplied
and you can’t, can you?
it’ll overwhelm you, won’t it?
the immense hope and regret
expanding ever outward…
is the big bang

april 2003
Las Vegas probably poolside…

Bob Dylan holding cue card reading Get Born

Elvis 2.0

Recorded on “Crow Bar Peace Pip

Now the hero’s got empty shoes
and the stand-in’s got the stage fright blues
they don’t get sick and the don’t get well
they spend their time a hangin’ around the ink well

  • Singing ooh, ooh there’s a doctor’ll give ya anything
    ooh, ooh, ooh and they sing it again
    “You may be dying for my sins
    but I don’t owe you a thing
    you may not be a fool (elvis)
    but you ain’t no king”

Dyin’ from a pop disease
Crucified and the symptoms are these
Sex, Drugs, Money, Fame
It’s what the people want so I’m not to blame

Sign my paper with a manuscript
One way ticket to the kicking crypt
Where I can meet my devil say yakety-yak
Get my girl if I don’t look back

Lonely, in a crowded room
The music’s loud going boom boom!
Yeah what gets ya thru the night at the end of the day
No body understands a word you say

  • Ya say Ooh, ooh, ooh there’s a doctor give ya anything
    ooh, ooh, ooh and they sing it again
    “You may be dying for my sins
    but I don’t owe you a thing
    you may not be a fool (elvis)
    but you ain’t no king”