High Abstraction

High Abstraction
By Willi Brown Ⓒ 2017

* something dull wants out / some notion unprofound
wants equal air time / or to be written down
it’s no high abstraction / no scene poetic
no heart transmission / just mundane magic

outside my house now those / crazy street people passin’
rucksacks and bottles and cigarettes (always the cigarettes)
i hide with my possessions behind locked doors and blinds
severely un happy / it’s all dead to me (it’s all dead to me)

* something dull wants out / some notion unprofound
wants equal air time / or to be written down
it’s no high abstraction / no scene poetic
no heart transmission / just mundane magic

there’s a woman at a distance / who laughs with me
smiling with Joy / and feeling free (feeling free)
convinced of my darkness / i long to turn away
join the street passing / not making things worse (… worse)

* something dull wants out … just mundane magic