what now?

what now? the pain
the people
have dispersed
all lights out
for the night
i run absurd
dreams through the streets
get surrounded
i disappear
confused horrified

(march 2017 sonoma county)

not important

body of man in suit taking iphone selfie in mirror

	once we were big shots
inventing the net
	were important people
		in the edge
cracks		me  up		ha ha
	ha how 	much   has changed
don’t even 	recognize myself
	on market street
but	i still have 	that suit
Old Man Looking at Painting of House

So This Is (The Future)

The door opens onto the highway
which lay there missin the moon
like a ribbon without a present
or a string without a balloon

This morning offers no schedule
coffee doesn’t mind getting cold
a bag full of nothing thinks lonely is something
and that nothing… is getting old

* So this is the future
where the past wears a digital mask
and all my answers don’t seem that important anymore
and my questions don’t need to be asked

The war isn’t fought in the papers
and blood doesn’t run down the wires
and the piles of limbs they don’t get to him
because our president is a liar

* So this is the future
where the past wear’s a digital mask
and all my answers don’t seem that important anymore
and my questions don’t need to be asked


D7 C7 G7
D7 C7 G7
D7 C7 G7
C7 A7

Recording Notes

Probably 2005. In Venice Beach, California. Apartment on Pacific across from the Post Office.
This might have been recorded on a Sony Mini-Disc with a Sony Stereo Mic. I don’t know what guitar I was playing in those days… Acoustic something.

Mystery Sound #108

Outside my window
I hear mysteriously
a small chirp-like sound
repetitive and device-like.
My first thought is danger!
(These are fraught times.)
Is it a gas leak? Or a tree branch cracking off?
Or an electrical transformer
on the pole across the street
about to explode?
So I open the blinds
cautiously and… nothing.
The scene outside is placid.
The tree quietly intact.
The transformer hangs, solid.
The air, clear, smells like fall.
Across the sky I see
different kinds of birds
flying in various directions,
or landing, or merely
hopping about pecking the ground.
I see bees buzz
bouncing among the blossoms…
The sound is gone.
But the mystery seems to have expanded
beyond me and even my environment,
expanded to the point
of no point.


What You Left Behind

Words and Music by Willi Brown

Some people think they know ya / or they got a film to show ya
While I pretend intelligence is bliss
But there’s blood that you’ve paid / Stone commitments that you’ve made
They cannot be stolen by an outlaw kiss

And what you’ve left behind / could be put out of your mind
Because it isn’t happening right now
What’s been put out of your mind,What’s been put out of your mind is your soul now
It’s all… you’ve left behind

And the weight of present past seems to be breaking your back
But something else has put a fire in your eyes
And the weightless little girl who once floated around the world
Is holding on to dear life as time flies

And what’s been put out of your mind / may be on the front of your mind
Even when it’s not happening anymore

What you’ve left behind / circles back around in time
Like it never ended for you anyhow
What you left behind never ended for you anyhow

Beautiful Blond Sandy Beach Sunlight Behind

High Abstraction

High Abstraction
By Willi Brown Ⓒ 2017

* something dull wants out / some notion unprofound
wants equal air time / or to be written down
it’s no high abstraction / no scene poetic
no heart transmission / just mundane magic

outside my house now those / crazy street people passin’
rucksacks and bottles and cigarettes (always the cigarettes)
i hide with my possessions behind locked doors and blinds
severely un happy / it’s all dead to me (it’s all dead to me)

* something dull wants out / some notion unprofound
wants equal air time / or to be written down
it’s no high abstraction / no scene poetic
no heart transmission / just mundane magic

there’s a woman at a distance / who laughs with me
smiling with Joy / and feeling free (feeling free)
convinced of my darkness / i long to turn away
join the street passing / not making things worse (… worse)

* something dull wants out … just mundane magic


Words and Music by Willi Brown
Featured on: Scenic Route by Willi Brown

I can hear you speak in a voice like mine in the darkness the distance
I can hear you speak a very thin line through yourself about me

**We lose what we know to know again
We can always move, we can always wait / It makes no difference

We can bury the groove, we can cover fate / It makes no difference

**We lose what we know to know again
I can hear you speak a very thin line in the darkness about me
I can hear you speak covering up the things we’ve done tonight together

**We lose what we know to know again